Safety in karting
We guarantee you carefree fun
We guarantee all visitors of the WOOP! karting arena an absolutely safe and fun rampage on the most bouncy and modern track in Slovenia.
We work exclusively with equipment suppliers that meet the highest and most stringent safety standards and provide the relevant, globally recognised certifications.
With us, you drive with no worries, a smile on your face and an absolutely positive energy!

Safety in karting
At WOOP!safety is a top priority for all attractions, including the go-kart track.



Driving on the renovated karting track
The colourful karting track was built by the Slovenian company 360karting, a renowned manufacturer of karting tracks that can boast tracks all over the world.
The special feature of our karting track is that it is modular, which means that it has three different track layouts. You can change between the Monaco track, the Daytona track or the Silverstone supertrack.
In addition to its modularity, the route has other features that distinguish it from other centres. We have added a drive-in turn in a tunnel that we have dug into the ground and a banked curve, a sharp banked turn on a 12-degree incline. To make your ride even more adrenaline-fuelled, there are lighting effects throughout the track.

State of the art go-karts
WOOP! go-kart drivers get behind the wheel of state-of-the-art electric go-karts from RIMO, a German manufacturer that prides itself on the absolute highest safety standards, comfort and an authentic racing experience.
Go-karts allow for four-point seatbelt fastening, full adjustment of the speed of the race car to the age and ability of the rider, and precise adjustment of the steering wheel and pedals to the size and comfort of the rider. Drivers can also rely on safety bumpers that surround the entire race car, a unique braking system and an exceptional level of go-kart responsiveness.

Smart safety system
The entire karting track is controlled by the RaceFacer smart safety system, which monitors what is happening on the track, while at the same time ensuring proper signalling and alerting of the drivers, and can even adjust the speed of the go-karts in case of unforeseen situations or potential obstacles on the track.
Results tracking application
All WOOP! drivers’ results are updated in real time on the RaceFacer app, which racers can download for free on their smartphones.

Redni servisi dirkalnikov
Ta del ni izpolnjen, čakam Amino za vsebino!!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Redni pregledi za najvišji nivo varnosti
Da je naša oprema tehnično izpravna, skrbimo s pomočjo dnevnih, tedenskih in mesečnih varnostnih pregledov. 👀 Skrbimo, da so materiali in rezervni deli vedno dobavljeni s strani uradnih in certificiranih proizvajalcev.
Dnevno preverimo ustreznost vseh trampolinov in materialov v parku.
Tedenski pregled zajema še podrobnejši pregled, kjer iščemo kakršnakoli tehnična odstopanja na trampolinih in atrakcijah.
Na določenih delih parka pa izvajamo še dodatne mesečne oziroma letne preglede, ki jih izvede proizvajalec opreme.
Professional and educated staff
The track marshals, who are responsible for the entertainment and safety of all you, our visitors, must have a high level of competence to do their job 🏅 They must be able to provide entertainment and animation, be technically proficient on the track and be trained in collision avoidance.
They first give you the necessary information before the start of the race, and during the race they monitor the progress of the race and use flags to guide the drivers.

Observe flags on the course
Visitors are asked to follow the instructions of the security staff, who, among other things, provide additional professional signalling according to what is happening on the track.
After the introductory training, visitors are expected to know and follow the racing flags and the colours of the traffic lights along the track:

Green flag: Signals the start of a race. Good luck and safe journey!

Red flag: Race stopped– stop all racing activities immediately! Continue driving slowly to the start/finish straight and stop.

Yellow flag: Caution! Slow down and continue driving carefully. No overtaking is permitted.

Blue flag: You are about to be overtaken by one or more faster drivers, keep your course and immediately reduce your speed and move to the right side of the carriageway, which is also marked. Faster drivers will overtake you on the left-hand side.

Black flag: Disqualification from the race. The driver must head to the pit lane at the end of the current lap.

Chessboard flag: The end of the race. Slow down, complete the lap and return to the pit lane.

Importance of the speed scale
The 5 speed classes scale allows you to safely build up your racing skills, while the intelligent Dynamic Speed Adjustment system gives you the option to progress according to your age, experience and driving abilities.
Speed classes make it easier to distinguish slower and more cautious drivers from faster and more agile drivers. When you reach the correct lap speed while driving, you are promoted to a higher speed class. This means that next time you will drive in the speed class you have qualified for.
Conscientious drivers
The go-kart’s equipment and smart safety system are great for safety, but you can’t do without conscientious drivers. To make your experience a safe one, you need to follow the basic safety principles of the karting arena. Follow the rules, be a hero! #woophero
Using safety equipment
It is essential to wear a hygienic balaclava and a helmet of the appropriate size.
Watch safety video
Watch the safety video and listen carefully to the additional instructions from the WOOP! staff before entering the course.
Follow additional instructions
While driving, pay attention to what is happening on the track, to the signals and to any additional safety instructions you may receive at any time while driving.
Racing safety equipment
It is compulsory to wear a racing helmet when driving the go-karts, which you can rent for free at the WOOP! karting arena. Helmet sizes vary, so it is important to choose the correct size for the age of the rider and the size of the head. Don’t worry, our friendly staff will help you choose.
Every karting driver must also use a hygiene balaclava. The balaclava is available at the WOOP! karting reception for an additional fee of € 2.5. The horseshoe stays yours and can be used on future visits.
In addition to a helmet and a balaclava, closed sports footwear is compulsory.