Welcome to the WOOP! locations in Ljubljana

In Ljubljana, we will entertain you with 9 different attractions, located in 4 WOOP! locations! We will throw you the most unforgettable birthday party, will teach you how to do somersaults and spins, take you on a journey into other dimensions, and more. 🤩

How are you going to have fun today? You will find the most interesting things to do in WOOP!

Trampolin park in plezalne stene so postale del Fun park


Fun park
WOOP! glow golf
Glow golf
WOOP! karting
WOOP! zaključni izlet šole
WOOP! laser tag igra podobna paintball-u
Laser tag
WOOP! sobe pobega teambuilding
Escape rooms
WOOP! cosmic Bowling v Ljubljani
Mini WOOP!
WOOP! Arena
Opening hours
WOOP! rojstni dan
Birthday party
WOOP! Poletne počitnice

WOOP! Summer holidays

Come to Ljubljana for the most fun summer holidays this summer. What are you waiting for? Register soon and secure your place! ☀️

Celebrate your
birthday at WOOP!

Birthday party that no one will want to miss out on! 🎂 We have prepared the best birthday programmes for you and your friends. Book your party! 👇

WOOP! Rojstni dan

Come and have fun

Buy your ticket at the reception! We can’t wait to discover a new dimension of fun together.

Buy your ticket in the online shop and avoid the queue! We can’t wait to discover a new dimension of fun together.

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