Safety in Fun Park

We guarantee
you carefree fun

At WOOP!- we leave nothing to chance. We ensure maximum safety for our visitors every time they jump, climb or descend with our 4-pronged safety strategy. 👇

Varnost v trampolin parku WOOP!
WOOP! trampolin park varnost
WOOP! Varnost
Safety system
WOOP! trampolin park varnost
WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Safe infrastructure and best equipment

🔧 The trampoline part of the park was built by the German manufacturer “Eurotramp“, which is considered the best trampoline equipment manufacturer in the world and is also the official equipment supplier of the Olympic Games.

🪛 For the climbing part of the park, we chose Walltopia, a Bulgarian company that brings climbing equipment to climbers on 6 continents, in 78 countries and more than 1800 climbing centres.

Eurotramp logo
Walltopia logo

Regular checks for the highest level of safety

Daily, weekly and monthly safety checks are carried out to ensure that the equipment in the Fun Park is in good working order. 👀 We make sure that materials and spare parts are always supplied by official and certified manufacturers, who also regularly train our team.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

All materials, trampolines, climbing walls, polygons, slides and other attractions in the park are checked daily.

WOOP! akcije in dogodki

The weekly inspection includes an even more detailed inspection, where we look for any technical deviations on any of the attractions in the Fun Park.

WOOP! ikona za moč

In some parts of the fleet, we also carry out additional monthly or annual inspections, which are carried out by the equipment manufacturer.

Did you know that we use the best safety system on climbing walls?

The Self Belay is a climbing attachment that ensures the highest level of safety by only allowing users to climb when they are properly clipped into the auto belay device. The connector cannot be opened accidentally or intentionally while climbing, as users can only connect and disconnect from the device when they are on the ground.

The Self Belay device not only contributes to climbing safety, but also helps the user experience, as participants can connect to the safety rope on their own without waiting for an animator to help them. And the system is so simple that even children can use it on their own without any supervision 🔒

WOOP! fun walls
WOOP! fun walls

Professional and
educated staff

WOOP! animators, who take care of the animation and safety of all you, our visitors, must have a high level of qualification to do their job. 🏅 They must be able to take care of the entertainment and animation, be technically proficient in the work of each attraction, and be trained in the prevention and emergency response in the event of injuries.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Regular training for staff

Our knowledge is continuously refreshed through regular refresher training courses, which also focus in detail on injury prevention and response. The trainings are conducted by the President of the Association of First Responders, Dejan Rogelj, who as a rescuer has been taking care of the safety and health of the inhabitants of the Osrednjeslovenska region for many years.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Informed visitors are our heroes

The Fun Park attractions are fun and safe, but injuries can still occur. At the Fun Park, we are constantly working to ensure the highest level of safety, but without the cooperation of you, our visitors, we cannot do our job successfully. 🤝

Heroes are not afraid of rules

WOOP! junak
WOOP! junak

To make your experience fun, and above all injury-free, you need to follow the basic safety principles of the park. Follow the rules, be a hero! #woophero 🏆

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Before entering the Fun Park, you will need to watch a safety video in the foyer of the changing room, which will inform you about the rules of jumping, climbing and potential risks.


You can only enter the park if you are wearing special non-slip WOOP! socks with a base for better traction.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Before the start, you must take part in a guided warm-up to get you warmed up for the fun.

When you want to have fun in the climbing part of the park, you must first put on your safety harness and try out the safety harnessing system with an animator.


In the park, be sure to listen to the animators and follow the rules for safe use of the attractions.

Poglej si varnostni video.⬇️

Osnovna pravila v parku

Izvajanje vseh aktivnosti v parku je na lastno odgovornost. Vse aktivnosti vedno prilagodite svojim sposobnostim in predznanju.

Izvajanje vseh aktivnosti v parku je na lastno odgovornost. Vse aktivnosti vedno prilagodite svojim sposobnostim in predznanju.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Upoštevajte pravila 

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

1 skakalec na trampolin.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Obvezna uporaba
protizdrsnih WOOP! nogavic.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Omejitev teže 125 kg.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Prepovedano dvojno

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Prepovedano pristajanje na trebuh ali glavo.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Skakanje brez trdih in ostrih predmetov.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Prepovedano vnašanje hrane
in pijače.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Prepovedano plezanje ali obešanje na varnostne mreže.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Prepovedana uporaba pod vplivom alkohola ali drugih opojnih substanc.

WOOP! trampolin park varnost

Prepovedana uporaba

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